With my working capabilities touching new lows, it becomes more and more necessary for me to set things right before things slip out of control. This is just another account of the same failed promises I made (to myself)...
Every time I write a new entry here or in my personal diary I start out with a new league of promises (perhaps no one knows about them), I consider it to be the last time I would be doing this... but as you see this seems to be a vicious circle...
The latest academic updates include a 'W' grade in a subject (lack of attendence) and I don't how many are to follow.... exams are going on, I will get back with exact figures...
My CGPA had fallen to a disastrous 5.2 at the beginning of this sem, I then thought things could be set right but it wasn't so... this has by far been my toughest sem in IIT and the results I can say will not be very impressive either. All this puts me into a serious doubt of whether I will be able to finish my B.Tech in 4 yrs...
On the contrary, there have been really memorable moments so far... I completed my first research project in nuclear physics and it got selected for the Symposium on Nuclear Physics 2007, which I will be attending in December. My research project has earned me new credentials and contacts and these would assure some project work or the other for the next 3 years atleast... It has also helped me earn a 3-month internship (starting May, 2008) at IGCAR where I will be working on Heat Exchanger Design for nuclear reactors and Reactor Physics.
I took some classes in about 6 schools for class 7, and it was immensely satisfying and enjoyable (after all teaching is what I always wanted to do!!). The group GRID has decided to organise a competition in our school in the last week of December, it is one thing I have always dreamt of... and it has started working, it won't be long before all my dreams are realised. JaRID, born out of my idea as part of GRID work, has made it to the GK3 Forum, where it has been listed in top 100 social entrepeneurship plans in the world... just can't imagine it.
I played football, cricket, tried Kabaddi and also played rugby at 2 in the night. I bought many of my "must-buy" books (though not yet started reading them). Did watch some movies, documentaries... And arguably the best of all, the 5 days I spent with my friends... just can't get better.
Getting back to where I started... I would now say the semester hasn't been so awful, just that I failed again in acads but otherwise it was a great one... I thoroughly enjoyed most of the time... Well all those unkept promises I started are true... let them be safe in my diary as I give myself another chance... if I fail this time... then... lets seee
Did I get back to my 90 percentile days ??
Yes / No / may be / not sure... I would decide it later but what stands in front of me is an enormous task of getting out from IIT... 4 more exams to go for this sem to end.. just hoping to help myself pass in all of those...
P.S. Now that I have started wrting again, the next article of LOOKING BACK will be up soon... just keep your fingers crossed!
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