6. The Magical hand...
Its been a long time since I wrote one in this series and this would be a good one to resume with!!
This part of my life dates back to classes 6 and 7 (somewhere around 1995 or 96)... they were definitely great years and had a lot of happenings like my academic downfall, my extra-curricular rise to supremacy, my new team-mates, my new classmates and many more...
This one is definitely going to stand out. I hope you will enjoy this.
Like any other day school had ended at 1.40pm and Vijay, Upendra, Ramu and myself were among the first ones to run out of the compound wall and we ran towards the ice-cream vendor. He used to sell cones at prices starting 50np. The most interesting he had was the wheel (like the roulette wheel in casinos) attached to his vehicle. This wheel had 1s all over with two 2s and a 3 distributed randomly. With every cone we buy we get to turn the wheel once and if our luck favors us we might get 1 or 2 extra cones.
I was among the first few to turn it and as any one would guessed it it was a 1. As each of us took turns, there was a 2 in between and I found it was Vijju who got it. It was just a beginning!
As days passed by Vijju just got more and more lucky, if he laid his hand on the wheel it was a sure shot multiple!! Day after day for almost two years Vijju kept using his magical hand to put a 'treat' everyday after school. Every one was looking for him after school and even if he had just missed on any occasion he would fool the vendor by pushing the wheel again into the spot. It was all great fun then and we just liked it.
The magical hand never seemed to rest and even today it is being put into good use. But whenever I think of that vendor, I feel sorry for him... was it his bad luck ?? You know businesses can go wrong because of various reasons and what you have seen here is just another example... do MBAs help you face these? Lets wait for an answer from "the Golden Hand" himself!!
25 - 08 - 2008