Saturday, August 23, 2008

A book is weeping

Photo courtesy: Internet

A book is weeping

A book once went into the hands of a 'beautiful' person and returned unhealthy... The person thoroughly enjoyed the book and the book enjoyed the reader's interest but where did it go wrong? Why does the book have to suffer and why do I have to write here...

There are lots of issues which do irritate me. May be I am out of my mind most of the times. May be I just blow things out of proportion but I believe I still have a point. I have been questioned a lot about my affiliation/inclination/affection towards books and for all those I never really had an answer.

What I have here is just another "typical Praveen's article", so I decide where to stop writing and you decide where to stop reading.

I still remember the wonderful guide of Bombay my father bought when he had been there (that was may be in the 1980s). Full of wonderful B&W photographs of all the interesting places in the city. But in my second or third class I cut the book into pieces for those photographs for my scrap book. Only later did I realize that I was never going to get that book back. I think I was right and thats what pains me today. Every mark we make on a book or every page we tear is just permanent and no supreme power / technology can undo it.

Right from the moment a book goes off from my hand I just pray it returns back with the smile still on. But every time I feel weaker and let down. Whatever is there in the book is still as important as earlier then how could something be allowed to degrade with the reading. At least I wouldn't accept it.

There is an unavoidable wear and tear with usage but to what extent is it acceptable? Am I being foolish all over? The questions still remain unanswered. I would like to draw this to an end saying -

Books are knowledge. Books are treasures. Books are my love. Books are for generations to see. And the book is still weeping!!

23 - 08 - 2008