Whats there in this post... nothing much...
Every time I see this link in my bookmarks... I just get back to those wonderful days. I have had few nice moments with this blog. I would call it one of my best friends. A place where I just let myself go free.. write what ever I feel like writing. Nothing was ever at stake! All I had was a couple of friends - Uday and this one. They knew every bit of me and they just listened to whatever I had. Those were difficult days...
Today I know I am a different one... much more crazy, "cynical" and what not.. whenever I look back at those days I feel proud that I pulled myself through those days. I agree I have become a lot more cynical I would add that I had a reason. All that matters to me is that I do have a few more friends now and I have learnt to live.
Friends do great things in our life. They just seem to turn around the whole world for you! It is a pleasant experience. I am really enjoying few of those moments which never came up here.They aren't many of them but then they carry along those few moments when I just forgot who I am.
As people say, "nothing comes for free"... Though it wasn't costly in my case, I had to be a bit more careful with my thoughts and words. I would have liked to be a free bird. But this one - a tough one! I did learn quite a bit from it but it just wasn't enough... These days I find it much more difficult to satisfy both my interests... may be I just have to be the one most people like!! Does this call for an end to this blog - I have no answer for that??
What do I intend do now? May be just get back to those diary entries, have a read... wait for a few more days, enjoy for a few more days and then... just disappear... things would never change much!