Just 2 days apart.. 2 of my best friends had their birthdays. I wouldn't call them "celebrating birthdays", one continues to hate the job and the other continues to work on the assignments..
For one I didn't even bother to give a call to wish, but late in the evening I took the pain to send a message (just to feel that I was not as "dumb" as him) to which he responded as expected... No response! I knew it. I have known him for 12 years.
For the other's, I had been planning for at least a couple of months... read books to select from, chose gifts, selected cards and gift wrappers... finally and unsatisfactorily decided upon a few. Her friends bought her a cake and I talked to her in the early hours of the day. She was happy (I think / hope). I have known her for about 12 months.
Two very different friends any one would call... two very similar friends for me. Both listen to the unending trash I talk about and most importantly very very patiently. Both talk love and life and keep me going. They are my friends and what they do is very pleasing for me! I have written volumes of 'Reading Between the Lines' and wanted to write one more.. after 2 months I realized that I had wasted enough time trying to capture them. All that came out was 3 pages... far far away from reality. Well deadlines were so important earlier but not now.. no regrets not to have finished it this time. They are too big for a few lines on paper, but then I wouldn't stop writing (as I always tell). My proof-readers, editors and reviewers are most important of all - these are the ones! The best and dearest of mine is in the making and it will be a long time when it may arrive.
One of my friend asked me "U love him so much, dont u" .. Yes was my answer. I love a few more of my friends as much as I love them but few love me even more and here they are. They make me feel important and alive. They know every single failure of mine and celebrated every success of mine. They are special.
Happy Birthday to you both and "I am always there for you"
A cup of coffee?
u told me u liked milk,but u got carried away man....big time...:P