5. The Radio show...
9th Class..
I can bet everyone has loads of memories of this event... I am among those very few who don't remember much... I will try to put down as many things as possible...
PRE-SHOW PLANNING - what all should we have in the show... and as usual "girls" came up with some hopeless ideas... a few got approved... then Ms.Rajeshwari comments "boys in this class are useless" (not the same words but something similar)... well the warm-blooded guys couldn't take this... then began the real show... the Veerappan interview, all the adds, every single joke enacted (i think a few were given by those girls), the game show, the music show were planned and done by "us"... all that was left for the girls was some background score which was copied from "jingle bells" tune, announcers and lots of places on the dais to be occupied just to add to the confusion...
full credits to Tarun (tatvit das) for that Veerapan interview... he wrote the dialogues.. he became the interviewer and thanks to pp and purri for suggesting that Sastry would play the lead-role... few things from this event... the Khakis which were very lose for Sastry, the fake moustache we had it drawn on his face with pencil (that belonged to a girl).... the famous lines "amma and appa used to call me Veeru", " if you come once again I will kidnap you", the gun which slipped into his pants, the way tarun shivered to gather his kerchief... and the most important part of this was when Ms.Preethi Baskaran, our maths teacher, came to know about Sastry's role and she warned him, "If you don't submit your notebook by tomorrow I will not allow you to participate in the event" and then she turns around and walks into a class.. then Sastry replies quite loudly.. "If you don't allow me, I will kidnap you"... GOD save Sastry!!!
the adds... most of them were recommended by the TWINS and Tija was their actor... headphones which convert teacher's scoldings into sweet music (Krishna was a member of the ELITE group which regularly got a scolding... may be this inspired him to think of this),
some shoes for fast walking (well, the twins joined the lines after the assembly... i don't remember a day when they attended assembly in 9th and 10th... another inspiration)
the music show... "D-section".. if such a hopeless section had it, why shouldn't we have it... for them Arun shankar played tabla... for us the professional Nili (too-much dressing sense i should say) played the violin and believe me it was one of the best part of the show...
the jokes: the casting included naveen (i then called him "bunny"... now i call him "the smiling long man"), tija, dharmendra, myself...(i don't remember others).... I made the announcement "today we are here to entertain you with a few jokes".. but the strange thing no one noticed till date... i was never in any joke...
The anchors were Nirukta and Arpitha... the second one came with a sleeveless yellow dress... i heard some one say "apne aap ko kya samaj rahi hai re!!!".. i think it was uppi... I think there were other girls but it never made any difference...
the game show... A-section had tried it and failed terribly... so it was first ruled out but Tija wanted it badly... so the last day of the rehearsal uppi, tija and myself stayed back, we planned to have one... what about the events??? we had no idea.. "ok lets have some shooting event".... and some other event.... then i told, " i have lots of marbles at home... i will get them, we will see what we can do"... and then we packed for the day...
why did Tija want the game show??? a secret then... he had a crush on Padmini of E-section.. he wanted to have her on stage somehow... but that wasn't very pleasing for me, I thought I will do something for Vijay then... even Vijju was behind the same girl... so we found out their roll numbers... Next day we had some arbitrary shooting event in which the winner shot one balloon (the reason being the balloons were losing air and they didn't blast)... now came the most important part... Uppi called out the first team... on stage the proposed event was - one of them had to throw marbles and the other had to catch them with a bowl... then I thought of something worse right there... one would hand over the marbles one by one, and the other would run across the stage to drop them in a bottle.... Uppi was a silent spectator of all this, he didn't know what was going on... now the job was to see that this team loses... i started the stop watch and called out after 5 seconds "start"... at that very moment i knew it was job half done... i had to call the other team onto the stage... I had set aside the 2 numbers the day before when i made those tokens... I quickly pulled out the numbers and called them... there was a big roar from the E-section... Vijju managed some decent number in the running... and they won... Who do you think was our chief guest??? it was none other than TIJA, he bought big DAIRY MILK chocolates for the winners, all from his pocket money...
the interesting thing was people never thought I was the culprit in the whole thing... Uppi was getting the stick from everyone... in fact he even got a comment from the teacher on this... everytime I heard about this, I had a rather big smile on my face.. no one ever noticed that also....
These were a few moments from our radio-show... once again we proved we were the best one of all sections... 'D' managed a decent show, 'A' put up a bad one... but these were before ours and once we were done with ours.... I didn't care to attend the others...
You would have observed that this article was a bit anti-female.... hehe... ya it was intentional... that was the state of my mind at that time...
NOW.. I don't know...
I tried to copy "VIJAY's style" in writing this... but I don't think I did it with much success....
P.S: sorry, if i have hurt you.. that was then... not now...