I have known him for over 10 years... not the longest of times but its still half my life...
he means the most to me... in fact more than my parents or anyone else...
this person is the most precious gift I could have ever had... I just can't ask for anything more... he has been my best teacher…
though we had a rough start... time passed by and here we are…
Today I feel no one knows him better than me… and of course vice-versa… his mind is the best blend of anything good one would have wished to have...
I was the first victim of his enormous mental strength… was too good in academics in our school days… now there are other things in which he is interested but still manages to pull off a decent score in exams… What ever he does it is with utmost clinical precision, concentration and perfection…
In sports I was jealous of him… the commitment he showed even in friendly cricket matches was just unimaginable…I still remember once such instance… I often happened to play against him and I batted very well in one match and he was one of the bowlers to get the stick… in the next match he got me out for a duck… he acted as if he finally got the revenge for which he was waiting for a 100 yrs… he came up to me and thumped his fists and yelled “YES! YES! YES!”… I felt he would have stabbed me if he had any access to a knife… That scene still lies fresh in my mind…
one who watches movies not for entertainment but to understand the inner meaning of everything… he taught me how a movie could be 2hours of life… his selection of movies arguably the best… dead poets society, Amadeus, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, Shawshank redemption, Philadelphia, the departed… I can say no one has understood these movies better than him… he explained me what the following meant “Keating’s carpe diem”, “Andy’s hope”, “Red’s birds with bright wings”, “Salieri’s confession”, “Andrew’s small mistakes”... today they are my driving forces… the very source of energy that keeps me going...
What ever I do these days… I talk to him first then take a decision… one who has always supported me and many times explained things to me… only one in my life so far who agrees that life is more of modest achievements and satisfaction than earning money… I have never heard a NO from him… always takes a step forward and says I am there in case you want any help… this very assurance often gave me loads of confidence…
This was actually meant to be a testimonial... but I wanted to tell you so much that… I have lots of feelings but I have been unable to express those… so far never really thanked him for all these… I won’t miss this opportunity… THANKS...UDAY… you have been the one defining everything people see in me today… THANKS once again… hope you reach great heights in future… finally your line... I am always there for you...
Sunday May 20, 2007
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