If you have got a heart and if you feel you can listen to your heart-beat,
then this movie is for you... go watch and get back...
watch, feel, enjoy...
Social issues are arguably the most complicated problems ever faced by mankind. Issues ranging from war to drought, all come under this title. India faces a unique challenge in coming up with feasible solutions to these problems. “Unique” in the sense that the receiving end is often suspicious and the bureaucracy is often polluted.
One should agree that, since independence, it has been a slow but decent progress. The time ahead could be the worst phase we could ever think of. Even though it is being termed and projected in a much more attractive way, coming ahead is an era of social crisis, an era of misunderstanding and mismatch of the need and the supply in every means.
In the present context, there is a war building up. A war between sensible citizens, corrupt political circles, environmentalists, social activists, media and so on. Everyone is contributing their part to this mess up. Everyone feels that they are right and their issue is of more importance and needs to be addressed. Even small issues are often blown out of proportion which gives rise to unrest elsewhere.
Only thing we can do is to try to build up a society which is self-sufficient at the lowest level. Self-sufficiency in every sense should be the goal. From water for irrigation to income generation to help in case of calamities everything should be taken care of. The solution seems quite difficult to achieve but with careful planning it is possible and has been proved to be successful in quite a few places.
As a general thought it can be accepted that multi-centered development could always be a success story. This confidence in the idea will help in taking the plan a step forward. As it said a work once started is half done. The whole idea behind this proposal is the thought that prevention is better than cure.
Water management in India can be seen as one of the biggest problem. The first thing that has to be analyzed here is the cause. Cities tend to use more water than they have, in fact more than what the adjacent areas can also supply. It is for the governing bodies to realize that and act responsibly. But the governments tend to show more importance (quite unnecessarily) to the comfort of these income generating pockets and often try to divert river waters and thereby denying the people in the lower basins of the water for agriculture, the very source of income for rural India. The Government has made an effort to implement the rain water harvesting plan in a few of the cities but it has never been taken seriously. The industrial sectors should be made to setup their own water purifying units to put the water to better use
Construction of micro-projects for water management is a wonderful solution for this problem in dry agricultural lands. But the Government seems to be negligent of this fact and the best example of this is the Narmada valley. At a few places the micro-projects have been constructed and are also being run quite successfully. But these are soon going to be submerged. Among other questions to be answered there are also environmental concerns. There was no attempt ever made so far to study the possible disasters of having such a large reservoir of water in that area (those districts are considered delicate points on the earth’s tectonic plates… remember the earthquake of Lathur??).
The relocation of the people for the sake of construction of a water project for the urban people and RELIANCE Industries is a foolish idea in this context. They are submerging thousands of hectares of cultivated land for the sake of cities and industries which are very poor in their water management. Doesn’t it sound ridiculous?? While the government claims to be building this project for the farmers of the dry districts of Gujarat, according to Medha Patkar only 4% of the water that will be diverted will reach the farmers (even if she is not right, the truth is the same).
Well this is just one example of the strategies that often go wrong. But there are a few things that can be appreciated. The plan of the SEZs is an example. The government wants to create centers of self-sufficiency. But there is a problem even with this, they are sacrificing fertile agricultural lands, instead they could go for the utilization of the waste lands. It’s all a matter of clever utilization of the resources we have.
Now how can this be achieved?? Each of these centers should be made autonomous in terms of money and judiciary. For this the governing bodies at the lowest level should be strengthened and be made answerable to the local people. This has the following advantages: (1) the people can answer their needs in a better manner and faster, (2) the people will have a feeling of satisfaction that their money is being put to use for their upliftment. The second point is the main cause of this Telangana controversy, people in coastal regions feel that their money has been poured into Hyderabad which was never of any use to them. But this idea has to be kept under constant check; the people have to be alert and should feel their responsibility.
Every system has its pros and cons, it’s just a matter of how responsible we feel and how sensibly we act. One could always ask me, “There are many great minds at work in the governing bodies, how can you blame them?” I would say, “these great minds are often overpowered by uneducated, politically anxious idiots. Do you think a great mind proposed ‘the free electricity plan’? Do you think a great mind signed off Rs440 millions for water projects without having any idea of where to build a dam? All these are political manipulations for personal gains, which will turn out to be disasters in the future.”
There are many more issues to be argued about… pollution, militancy and terrorism, liquor, reservations in educational and government organizations, taxes, crimes... this list is endless…
You are the best judge for your deeds… think!! Are you eligible to use the water you waste? land you use for constructions? There are many things you will have to answer…
Jai hind
--buddiNuclear Physics – a fascinating subject
Everyone might have heard about the nucleus. The nucleus has protons (positively charged) and neutrons, but how are they held together? Protons should be repelled by each other, isn't it? They are held together by an enormous force called “Nuclear Force”, which is several times stronger than the Coulomb force of repulsion between the protons. Existence of such a force also implies the presence of an enormous amount of energy. Where does this energy come from? Some of the mass of the nucleus is converted to provide this energy. Nature is clever! The mass lost in the conversion is termed as mass-defect and the energy produced is called binding-energy. More the binding-energy per nucleon more stable the nucleus is (find out the most stable nucleus). It is this binding energy which is of interest for us.
Humans are trying to tap this vast energy using two types of nuclear reactions called nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission reaction is used in modern day nuclear reactors and the fuel used is uranium, plutonium or thorium. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was based on the same principle. Nuclear fusion reactions have so far been out of human reach. Though we have made the H-Bomb or the Super Bomb which works on this, we are unable to control it and put it to better use. The sun gains all its energy from this reaction. Scientists have been trying to replicate that reaction in a controlled manner. India is a member of the seven member group working on a project called ITER (International Thermonuclear Experiment Reactor) working on these lines. The ITER program is anticipated to last almost 30 years and cost over $13billion, which makes it one of the most expensive modern techno scientific mega projects.
There are also other areas of modern day research going on; these include particle physics, nuclear structure, hadron physics, neutrino physics, nuclear astrophysics and so on. All these began as a part of nuclear physics but today they are vast subjects. They are many research facilities working round the clock in these areas. To name a few CERN, KEK, FERMILAB, Argonne, GSI, SLAC, DESY, Brookhaven, Budker INP, JINR and CEA. Every year billions of dollars are being spent on research in these fields. Can't we put the money to better use is a question always raised. Everything we discover has its pros and cons; it is for us to make a judicious use of the available technology.
1830Just another act of Friendship... but it went the wrong way...3. The English 2nd Unit Test...
"violence is a fashion,
violence is a passion,
violence is a wakeup call for the destruction..
jaga jaga mantha jagadam"
I have known him for over 10 years... not the longest of times but its still half my life...
he means the most to me... in fact more than my parents or anyone else...
this person is the most precious gift I could have ever had... I just can't ask for anything more... he has been my best teacher…
though we had a rough start... time passed by and here we are…
Today I feel no one knows him better than me… and of course vice-versa… his mind is the best blend of anything good one would have wished to have...
I was the first victim of his enormous mental strength… was too good in academics in our school days… now there are other things in which he is interested but still manages to pull off a decent score in exams… What ever he does it is with utmost clinical precision, concentration and perfection…
In sports I was jealous of him… the commitment he showed even in friendly cricket matches was just unimaginable…I still remember once such instance… I often happened to play against him and I batted very well in one match and he was one of the bowlers to get the stick… in the next match he got me out for a duck… he acted as if he finally got the revenge for which he was waiting for a 100 yrs… he came up to me and thumped his fists and yelled “YES! YES! YES!”… I felt he would have stabbed me if he had any access to a knife… That scene still lies fresh in my mind…
one who watches movies not for entertainment but to understand the inner meaning of everything… he taught me how a movie could be 2hours of life… his selection of movies arguably the best… dead poets society, Amadeus, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, Shawshank redemption, Philadelphia, the departed… I can say no one has understood these movies better than him… he explained me what the following meant “Keating’s carpe diem”, “Andy’s hope”, “Red’s birds with bright wings”, “Salieri’s confession”, “Andrew’s small mistakes”... today they are my driving forces… the very source of energy that keeps me going...
What ever I do these days… I talk to him first then take a decision… one who has always supported me and many times explained things to me… only one in my life so far who agrees that life is more of modest achievements and satisfaction than earning money… I have never heard a NO from him… always takes a step forward and says I am there in case you want any help… this very assurance often gave me loads of confidence…
This was actually meant to be a testimonial... but I wanted to tell you so much that… I have lots of feelings but I have been unable to express those… so far never really thanked him for all these… I won’t miss this opportunity… THANKS...UDAY… you have been the one defining everything people see in me today… THANKS once again… hope you reach great heights in future… finally your line... I am always there for you...
Sunday May 20, 2007
'all it takes' is the punch line of which company?
This was the first question at the General quiz preliminary round, CVR College of Engineering ( 9th March 2007). This was the question which troubled us most... we even had people asking us “ayyaaaaaa, you didn't know it? how come?”
I couldn't take it, all I could do was remain silent, I could see an immediate change of body language in Uday and Vijay (more explicit in his case). For a moment I remembered those days when we were a bit more warm-blooded.
Somehow that tag line hinged itself to my mind. It meant something... ALL IT TAKES... almost nothing I could think of right away. Finally, I made some sense out of it yesterday.
all it takes is mental strength, courage, emotion, hunger, obsession, determination, passion, pride, bravery, comittment, honour, ego, vanity, thrill, belief, dream, valour, perfection, persistence, killer instinct... and finally, according to Andy, perhaps the best of things HOPE.
How can we be so passive to a defeat, humiliation, a plunder of our self-respect ,... ? How can we be so patient in waiting for something more pleasing
We don't feel the pinch... do WE? neither are we interested in delivering one..
come on guys... its been a long time. Its been a long time since you proved you were worth something, something you were made for, something no one could dare doing...
Leave behind those moral stories that told you to respect to people around you. All it counts is where are you... the first or last (good bye to those podium finishes and those bloody console (ation) prizes). Open up.. rule the world, enjoy your opponents defeat, let them feel the pain...
All these years of my studies have taught me one thing at least (if not many!!)... how ever well you prepare, write exams... All that matters in the end is how much you scored... No one bothers about how you got those marks once you are out of the exam hall... you copy, you impress the teachers, you change answers after you get the papers... NOTHING matters... NOTHING. Today, I feel ashamed to write in my CV that i scored 82% in intermediate. I didn't copy, didn't by-heart anything, didn't impress teachers... I am not going to write all this in my CV...Its just that 82 that matters for people.
After writing this, I can see an emperor in the making...
In the dusty, hardly visible future
I see,
An emperor in the making,
An emperor who would never lose,
Some one for whom all that matters is the challenge,
Past no longer counts,
Its a never ending war
a War for pride and ego.
-- buddi
24th March, 2:55 am
Well the emperor could be me.
For the last 10 days I have been into something I always wanted to… but somehow I feel lost. I feel I am unable to give my best… as low as 50% of what I am capable of, with time and struggle I may get it to 70… BUT where is the remaining going….
Looking back into those days when I was above the 90 percentile mark (tenth and intermediate)… the days which I call “THE 90 PERCENTILE DAYS” … I feel I was a different person then. I was wasting time, playing and wondering if I was doing the right thing but still when I felt like studying (rarely though), I wanted to and I could give my best. I wanted to make people around me feel the punch in losing in my hands… then it was not just a matter of beating them but by how much margin I beat them. This may seem childish but seriously I wanted people to feel the pain… from my classmates to the lecturers… I didn’t care who it was. I enjoyed doing that. I never felt like studying maths but I was still behind lecturers showing them that I could always come up with something more logical and elegant. When it came to physics I wanted to be the best.
I was mentally very strong and committed then. Once I made my mind to get 40/40 in physics in a weekly EAMCET exam, but could manage only 38/40, losing 2 marks for blunders I couldn’t afford to make. I couldn’t sleep for a couple of nights after that just because I threw away a chance to get 40. It wasn’t mere liking I had for few things but it was passion for those… as if it were a life and death question.
No matter how rarely I showed my interest in studies, I feel I was at my very best.
It has been a different story all along for the last three semesters. I have been very passive to things around me. I got used to those boundary cases in my subjects (including physics), I got used to getting ill, I got used to bunking classes, I got used to my knee injury, I got used to my horrible room, I got used to the warnings from my parents, I got addicted to drinking coffee, I got addicted to play football (not any more), I rarely participate in any competition, I got used to the confusion all around me…
All I know now is that, even if I decide to do something, I am not going to complete it. Right now pondering over things takes away most of my time even while studying…
Today I know that if my project goes right till 22nd January, I will get the opportunity to attend INPC 2007 at Tokyo. I also know that my father has ordered me to drop any idea of attending any conference or anything related to nuclear physics (reason: poor performance in the third semester).
How can I get to my best if I always have this duality in my mind?
I have got so used to defeats and humiliations that I don’t mind one more. May be that’s the way it has to go on. What difference does it make to lose in IIT or in nuclear physics when nothing can keep me busy and happy?